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                                                                                                January 2014



Healthcare ate up Congressional time in 2013, so there is very little new 2014 tax development, which I cover later in this newsletter below.  Knowing that most folks have disdain for all this tax stuff and with little new tax info for me to share with you, let me reprint some pointers from several years ago (2008).    Manic tax attacks are messy; this may help!



Put it in the Bag!

This is a strange title, but a great concept.  Years ago in Week One of military basic training recruits (Me) had to ensure that our duffel bag contained each piece of equipment that the Army intended for us.  We moved about out in rows on a big field, and then we were instructed to dump it all out on the ground.  The drill sergeant yelled out a selected piece of equipment; we examined it, then we lifted it high in the air; and then seeing every hand populated, he bellowed out “Put it in the bag”!  This ritual continued for each item until the bag was full, assuring us that we had accounted for every item.


The gray envelope I provide in your final tax booklet is my “Bag”.  Only when I am fully done with each document does it go into the bag.  Once there, I do not look at it again.  The clutter diminishes with each doc in the bag.   


Don’t let all the tax docs intimidate you: take only one document at a time.  Look it over, record it on the organizer, and then put that document in The Bag – usually the big windowed-envelope I sent containing this newsletter and organizer.  When it is in this envelope, that item is a done deal – no need to look at it again, and now you have one less piece of paper.  Also with it in the bag, you will not be tempted to enter that item and amount a second time on the worksheet (explained below).  If you stop for a couple of days, and come back to your tax docs, don’t be concerned about what is in the bag, because all those items are “complete”.  This mechanism has served me well over the years.  It automatically reduces the clutter, gradually rids you of all the pieces of the puzzle, and brings “closure” to each item. 



Speeding up the Processing of Your Tax Return:


Example: there are several places on the worksheet to enter business mileage.  Simply pick one place to enter it (usually where it appeared in the previous year), and I will get it to the correct place on your tax return.  Including business mileage in several places on the organizer creates a lot of unraveling time on my end.









New For 2014:


Folks must have qualifying coverage for themselves and their dependents to avoid a tax. This includes employer health coverage, coverage purchased through an exchange and federal coverage such as Medicare and Medicaid.  The tax for being uninsured is a penalty of $95 a person ($47.50 for each family member who is under the age of 18), with a ceiling of $285.












Business – new for 2014:







Final Notes:   









We have chatted enough; go fill the bag; tell us how we can help in this tax process. 


Thank you and…



                                                                                       Many Happy Returns,